With the new weapon system we will be encourage to play the game and still be able to progress thru content by getting more powerful without depending on one specific item. It was such a waste of time waiting week by week for a specific drop. When Guntitan was a full time raider back in WotLK and Cata sometimes we would not be able to move on to the next boss without getting more DPS out of weapon drops. MoP and WoD changed this with personal loot system and changing raiding and introducing flex raiding. With gear drops you are also limited with progression by luck. Why? I always felt progression should be about skill.

I have successfully gotten the helm on a few toons but unsuccessful at getting the Warglaives. Just to achieve that look would be awesome. I’ve been waiting to play a Demon hunter since WotLK and I was first introduced to Illidan to farm for drops for Warglaives of Azinoth and Cursed Vision of Sargeras. The biggest announcement for me is Demon Hunters. Let Hunters tame frogs and I’ll be all set! Just kidding. Even though my blog posts have been dormant since February, I’ve been continually active with the World of Warcraft community on Twitter, so please follow me to the expansion announcement. My grandmother passed away and I’ve been trying to come up with memorable and fun stories, I can share at the funeral. Now it isn’t because of the recent announcement at Gamescon that is making me not sleep. I promised the wife I would sleep early tonight so I am going to keep this short. Get it to 110 before the next holiday event and you will have another toon to help you farm the elusive Big Love Rocket. If you wish to change your skin you could pay $15 to for an Appearance Change. The important 2 items you need to make sure you get are the 28 slot bag and the buff item that increases your agility and stamina, Inquisitor’s Menacing Eye. Just make sure you pick up all the hidden items. Essentially you would have to delete your current Demon Hunter then remake your Demon Hunter. I wish Blizzard went with the option to change your Skin Color since we are only allowed one Demon Hunter per server. I went with the hardened demon skin with the hardened face. Night Elf had the option for normal looking skin, a fel themed skin, and a hardened demon like skin.

The only option you get removed once you spend a couple of hours or so in the starting zone is the Skin Color.